Radio Catskill Fall Fund Drive

Radio Catskill / 2024 Fall Fund Drive

People rely on Radio Catskill's local coverage to figure out who to vote for, how to speak up at town board meetings, when to organize for change, and more. We take our role seriously, holding ourselves to a set of core principles: integrity, independence, accuracy, transparency, and respect for the public we serve. You play an important part in this mission as a donor to this station, and we’re asking for your support now during our Fall Fund Drive.
  • $0


  • $50,000


  • 0


  • 29

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • No Transactions

About Radio Catskill Fall Fund Drive

Today, less than half of American households donate money to charities and nonprofits. And we get it — budgets are tight. But if you are able to give, please know that donating to this station is an investment in keeping your community engaged and informed, which we’ll be doing a lot of this election cycle and beyond. 
Please help us to reach our $50,000 goal today!